this fortnight, just this one fortnight when the moon shines on your beautiful face, through my eyes, my everything revealed.

christy, leslie, imprinted

>> Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

"We heard Manhattan before we ever saw it, a thousand strange voices coming from everywhere. And you're not going to believe this, but we had to go under the water to get to the city. And we lost contact with everything; it was like we were on another planet." christy-in america.

sinar sebentuk sabit di lengkungan langit membungkam ramainya ular-ularan kendaraan dan berbagai macam suara kota malam hari. mencuri perhatian dengan pose diam yang memukau. dan cerita dimulai.

ow.. i'm in love with this irish girl. cute sarah bolger. line di bagian atas itu diambil dari filmnya, in america, sangat khas anak-anak dan terdengar magical. anak sepuluh tahun yang mengagumkan. ah, saya aja kali ya yang tergila-gila sama ekspresi misterius kedewasaan anak-anak (istilah apa ini..), kayak AnnaSophia Robb sebagai Leslie burke di bridge to terabithia.

yah, walaupun karakter leslie dan christie bertolak belakang, leslie burke gayanya slengean, outfitnya super unik, kata-katanya tajem dan dalem (em..) dan bisa dibilang cukup ekstrovert, sementara christie lebih introvert, jarang ngomong, outfitnya biasa aja, gayanya juga nggak menonjol. tapi dalam hal ekspresi misterius kedewasaan (ini lagi..) somehow mereka mirip. keduanya sama-sama punya dunianya sendiri yang mereka ajak hidup, mereka ajak berfilosofi. leslie burke dengan dunia terabithianya, christie dengan dunia camcordernya.

OOT. kutip-kutip stephenie meyer ah.

"It’s so hard to describe. It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like . . .gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her. . . .
You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that’s a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother." -Jacob Black, tentang imprinting

I am, imprinted, to.. ah, you-know-who.

pics taken from imdb.

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